Tuesday, January 19, 2016

What if...

I want you to consider this...YOU WERE MADE TO LIVE A LIFE OF IMPACT.

You weren't made to just merely exist, survive or get by. No! You were made, called and designed
to leave your mark. You weren't made to hide out, lived depressed, or called to struggle. What we fail to see is that who we are is so much more than just what we do, where we live, work or what kind of job we have. Who we are can't be defined by our past mistakes, missteps or failures and it's only after we open ourselves up to truly look past the hurt those things have caused us that we can truly see the lessons they have taught us.

But here is the GREATER LESSON...once you see where you been, what you have come through, and how it  has changed your life you NEED to share it. Why? Because what if the hurt of my past could keep you from experiencing the hurt of your present but instead, I remained silent? What if your story could so shape and mold someone's life that they became a person whose story touched millions? You need to realize that you are a person of great influence whether you believe it or not...whether you share your story or not. The only difference is you could be influencing others to be silent or you could be the one who influences them to have a voice.

The question is, which one do you want to be?

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