Wednesday, December 9, 2015

What are you striving for...

Psalms 46:10 "Cease striving and know that I am God."

Striving is defined as making great efforts to achieve or obtain something; To struggle or fight vigorously.

God says don't do it. Stop struggling and fighting this. Know who I AM. Trust what I have for you --and that the things that are meant to be for you, will be yours because I will give them to you. He will bring you to them. It won't  be something you have to do...It's something He will do for you!

It's His promise, and with all promises they require action. Believe me ceasing to strive to do it on your own is an action.It's a HUGE one. It means "I give this to you, knowing you know best."
It's releasing our grasp on what is NOW so our hands can be ready to hold what is to come.

It's never easy but God is faithful, and there will never come a day when your hands are empty my friends. For even while we are waiting He places His hands in yours to hold.

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