Monday, August 31, 2015

I wanted MORE...

Here's the truth: I'm SELFISH. For years I asked, begged and cried for a life different then the one I had. It wasn't that I didn't love my life the truth is I WANTED MORE.

You know that feeling of knowing what you're made for, of never questioning if who you are was ALL you were meant to be. That peace that says, "This is what you were meant to do."

For years I beat myself up, and felt guilty I struggled with feeling ENOUGH, with feeling like there had to be MORE. I didn't know where or how to start all I knew is I had a deep ache to give and do more than I was. 

I had no idea when I began  my journey with Thirty-one, with what I thought was just a way to feel like I was "contributing" to my family that I would find exactly where I belong. Isn't it funny how often in our search for one thing we find something greater?!

I mean I knew I wanted to impact lives and to touch hearts but I kept feeling like who was I to try?

That's when God explained something so simple to me.

"Who was I NOT to try?" 

He had placed those desires, dreams and things in me because I was the person He chose to tell MY story. He didn't give my experiences, my voice, or my passions to someone else-- He gave them to me!

Those dreams, desires...the things that set your soul on fire are within you for a reason. You never know whose world you WILL change...or where your dreams WILL take you, but rest assured it's somewhere far GREATER than you could ever imagine.

I know... mine brought me here.
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